How Private Equity Is Swallowing Up Health Care—And What to Do About It
Per capita expenditure in the U.S. is higher than in other developed nations, with outcomes still lagging. Private equity firms are a growing driver of healthcare costs.
Per capita expenditure in the U.S. is higher than in other developed nations, with outcomes still lagging. Private equity firms are a growing driver of healthcare costs.
Leadership styles can transition to the nonprofit sector with relative ease, but there are unique challenges to look out for.
Philanthropy is just now starting to recognize and include disability in its social justice and equity work although one in four Americans identify as having a disability.
Unfortunately, most letter recipients won't take the time to read through the entire letter, drawing attention to the most important points makes all the difference.
Marketing might seem out of place for nonprofit organizations, viewing it as a for-profit endeavor, but there's likely a place for it in communications strategies.
Lawsuits have a track record of spurring effective and lasting environmental change by government entities but are underused by grant-makers.
In collaboration with the Do Good Institute, Independent Sector announced the estimated hourly value of volunteer service contributions to charitable causes and organizations.
Limiting access and use is a popular method to conserve natural resources, cultural conservation needs to be a part of those considerations.
Mothers Out Front is working to protect the right to breathe in East Boston, a historically working-class and immigrant neighborhood exposed to high levels of air pollution.