Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast
The good folks at Race Forward have produced "Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast," featuring movement voices, stories, and strategies for racial justice.
The good folks at Race Forward have produced "Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast," featuring movement voices, stories, and strategies for racial justice.
In this particular episode of the podcast Together Apart, Alicia Walters offers Black listeners vital, practical, and creative self-care coverage.
Sunil Khilnani reviews the book “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” by Isabel Wilkerson, in which Wilkerson compares American racial divides to the Indian caste system.
This article from Bustle breaks down 8 different types of self-care you can do for yourself and offers tips on how to delve deeper into each.
The New York Times has an article about how to minimize risks upon returning to the office.
This opinion piece by Arwa Mahdawi for The Guardian makes observations about female leadership through the lens of the coronavirus outbreak.
VICE News has clipped the best of Barack Obama's eulogy for John Lewis in this YouTube video.
Take a look at this piece from The Guardian about the future of workplaces in COVID-19.
Here's an article about leadership for everyone! Rasmus Hougaard, writing for Forbes, gives us "Four Reasons Why Compassion Is Better For Humanity Than Empathy."