9 energizing ideas that can put a spring in your step
Spring has almost sprung and there are several science-backed approaches to help thaw out from the winter months and refresh your daily routine.
Spring has almost sprung and there are several science-backed approaches to help thaw out from the winter months and refresh your daily routine.
In the lifecycle of a nonprofit, the founder must move on from the organization and allow it to thrive on its own and carry on the mission.
Calling out is often a public naming of wrong, calling in is the opposite, but both still a level of shame toward the receiving person where calling forward is an invitation.
Feminist history creates a more complete worldview by focusing on the experiences of women, often overlooked in traditional histories.
Looking back at the last five decades, American women have made marked gains in the labor force with a lingering gap at higher level leadership in government and business.
Participatory Budgeting has become an important tool for combating inequality by shifting decision-making power to communities historically overlooked in government budgets.
President and CEO of Independent Sector, Dr. Akilah Watkins shares her perspectives on continuing to support and uplift Black voices as Black History Month comes to a close.
DEI efforts in the past few years, as well-intentioned as they may be, have fallen short of giving opportunities to those who need them most irrespective of skin color.
Listen4Good shares recommendations on best practices to obtain actionable client feedback for improving services, impact, and retention.